Our Teen Toolbox:


Signs and Symptoms Of Depression:

Changes in Mood: Depression or Irritable
Decreased Interest or Pleasure in Activities
Significant Weight Change or Change in Appetite
Fatigue or Loss in Energy
Change in Sleep Patterns
Negative Self Perception
Thoughts of death, suicide or acts or self harm


Take steps to promote mental health in your life:

Exercise: even 10 minutes a day
Nutrition: a healthy balanced diet, as food is the fuels for your body and your mind
Sleep: 8-10 hours a day is vital, put your phone away and turn off your tv
Avoid Harmful Substances: there are both healthy and unhealthy ways of coping with stress. These types of substances can make people feel worse later on and are potentially dangerous and life threatening.


There are various ways to help treat depression:

Talk therapy: sitting down with a professional, in a safe place where you can connect, talk, listen, and learn skills on how to manage your depression. 
Medication: in some cases, talk therapy isn't enough. Talking to your doctor, pediatrician or psychiatrist would be the most appropriate so that they are able to prescribe the medication that would work for you. 
Barriers: treatment for depression is widely available and is effective. This is not a weakness, a character flaw; this is not your fault; please remember that and know that there are people who want to help you. 

Help Someone:

Ways to help someone in need, when you aren't sure where to turn:

Say something: many times outsiders notice changes in people before they do themselves. Communication is key. Communicate the changes you may have noticed. That you care about them. Ask how you can help them take action towards seeking help or in the case of a teen helping another teen, help them talk to a trusted adult.
What if they're talking about suicide? if you are a teen, notify a parent or an adult immediately. If you are an adult, notify the teen's parents and make sure not to leave them alone until they are in their parents care. If you are the parent, take your child to the nearest hospital for evaluation. 
Support during treatment: supporting your friend, checking in, encouraging them to do the things they love, validate how they feel.